October Update from PMBC
Developer’s Application Status
On October 20, the city approved another extension for the developer to respond to the April 28th Request for Information (RFI). The developer now has until November 24 (Thanksgiving Day) to provide the missing information.
The developer’s extension request can be viewed at: https://bhamprod.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2022-10-20-avt-extension-request.pdf
The city’s approval can be viewed at: https://bhamprod.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2022-10-20-extension-approval.pdf
The city’s project page for the development can be viewed at: https://cob.org/project/the-woods-at-viewcrest
Next Steps: Notice of Application, Public Comment Period, and SEPA Threshold Determination
We will continue to keep you updated on the project as it moves through the planning process. Here are the key elements ahead of us:
The city will first determine whether the developer’s response to the city’s Request for Information is complete. If the application is deemed complete, the city will issue a Notice of Application. If you live within 500 feet of the property or if you submitted a request to receive notices, you will receive the Notice of Application by mail or email.
The Notice of Application triggers a 30-day Public Comment period, during which time the city's ‘Threshold Determination’ under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) is put on hold. The Public Comment period is a crucial time for us to document the likely adverse impacts of the proposed subdivision.
After the 30-day comment period expires, the city’s SEPA Official, Kurt Nabbefeld, will begin the process to determine whether the subdivision proposal is likely to have any significant adverse environmental impact. The SEPA Threshold Determination is documented in either a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) or a Determination of Significance (DS). A Determination of Significance triggers the requirement for an environmental impact statement (EIS).
We strongly believe that this proposal is likely to have a significant adverse impact and that an EIS must be required. We have engaged a geotechnical expert and an attorney to help identify and document potential adverse impacts. As we move forward and have more specifics from the developer and city, we will keep you updated on what you can do to help.
More information about SEPA environmental review can be found on the Department of Ecology site at: https://ecology.wa.gov/Regulations-Permits/SEPA/Environmental-review/SEPA-guidance/SEPA-FAQ
Let’s keep up the good work
We greatly appreciate all you’ve done to help protect Mud Bay Cliffs. Want to do more? Here’s a list of things you can do now (if you’ve yet to do so):
Write a Letter: Send a letter/email to Mayor Fleetwood (mayorsoffice@cob.org) and City Council (ccmail@cob.org) describing, in your own words, your concerns about the proposed development. The mailing address is: City Hall, 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham, WA 98225. Eventually, we’ll also write letters to the Planning Department to speak out about problems with the application itself, during the Public Comment period (dates TBD by City Planning Department).
Sign Up for City Notices: You can receive notices from the city about the development and help signal widespread interest in this project by sending an email:
To: Senior Planner Kathy Bell at kbell@cob.org
Subject: Jones Preliminary Plat
Content: Your home mailing address
Include: “Please accept this email as my request to receive all notices regarding the Jones Preliminary Plat subdivision application at 352 Viewcrest Rd / Parcel # 370213075542”
Donate: If you’re able, please make a tax-deductible donation of any amount to the Protect Mud Bay Cliffs Fund using the “Donate” button on our website at https://mudbaycliffs.org/join-in. All donations are used solely for PMBC communications, and expert services (such as legal, geotechnical, hydrological). All day-to-day work is done by our completely volunteer team.
Thank you for helping Protect Mud Bay Cliffs!