City’s Public Comment Period remains open until city takes its next action (date TBD).

Sign the Petition, write a letter, show your support — and let your friends know!

Protect Mud Bay Cliffs from development risks

Join your neighbors to preserve this magnificent natural gem, the steep forested cliffs rising above Mud Bay, at the north end of Chuckanut Bay.


Clark’s Point is protected; yet the adjacent Mud Bay Cliffs woodlands and watershed remain unprotected from subdivision development risks.

Now, the property owners have submitted a formal application to build an exclusive 38-lot subdivision which they call “The Woods at Viewcrest” — instead of the four lots which they already have. To achieve this, they want the city to grant them variances and exceptions, based on incomplete, flawed application materials. The city is currently reviewing their proposal.

We can protect this Bellingham natural treasure. We’ve done it before.

Clark’s Point has already been preserved for wildlife, for current Bellingham residents, and for future generations. Enormous investments have been made to protect the valuable Mud Bay estuarine wetlands — including its significant salmon and shellfish habitat. The Post Point great blue heron colony feeds along this undisturbed shoreline.

Let’s take the next vital step, and protect the mature woodlands, wetlands, and shoreline ecosystems of Mud Bay Cliffs from unnecessary development risks. Any development should be done responsibly, in accordance with applicable municipal, state, and federal requirements: let’s help make sure that happens.


We need your help!

Individuals and concerned groups (such as Protect Mud Bay Cliffs, Whatcom Million Trees Project, and Edgemoor Neighborhood Association) are working together to protect the future of this unique natural woodlands and Chuckanut Bay watershed, home to myriad forms of wildlife. You can make a difference!


Once development takes place, these magnificent woodlands, wetlands, and shoreline can never be restored to their current natural state.

What impacts will development have on this Important Wildlife Hub, on the adjacent Mud Bay estuarine wetlands, and on the adjacent/ connected Important Wildlife Hubs?

Only an Environmental Impact Statement can shed light on this key question.

Sign Up for Updates:

Your ongoing help is vital to our success


Please sign up for email updates as we work together to protect the Mud Bay Cliffs woodlands, wetlands, and wildlife above the north end of Bellingham’s Chuckanut Bay: